The problems most professionals deal with today when it
comes to transitioning a business is being able to properly position their
business for the most advantageous transition; namely selling the business at a profit. In order to accomplish this, a
business must develop real and transferable value that somebody is willing to
pay for in order to want to purchase your business at a profit from you. In this
case, the equity value to you as a business owner/seller would be the total
amount of pre-tax income you would receive from the sale of the business minus
any outstanding debts/loans to the business.
The main thing to remember about equity value to a business owner is that it is the most valuable asset you can develop beyond
yourself. The problem with most professionals today is they don’t understand
how to ideally create this equity value over time. They end up creating a
business that doesn’t have any real value beyond their own work or, worse yet,
has negative value by returning less to the owner than what was invested in
total time and money. In this instance, the real money that was created was
based on the ongoing income and profits from the business alone—so when you
sell your business, you will have nothing to show for it beyond what you had
previously earned from your work in the business. In short, you will always and
only be working for money (as income) instead of your money working for you (as
equity). The analogy here would be getting to the end of your thirty-year
mortgage and then selling your house for nothing; and who wants to do that? But
that is exactly what most business owners end up doing with their businesses.
Many small businesses today are valued and sold based
on multiples of revenues and earnings, and the more of each you can create
through successful sales and marketing planning and execution, the more equity
value you can create for your business and the better chance you or others have
of one day selling your business for a lot of money. The average small business today will be valued between two to six
times EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes), with a number of
additional variables ranging from asset values, future growth projections,
uniqueness of your value proposition, competitive threats, etc.
So how do insurance companies make this

Insurance payments can also create a deadly cycle for many
small businesses who end up finding themselves on a hamster wheel of work with
very little control, reward, and profit. Excuses you will commonly hear
business owners use to help justify this are, “I have to keep my employees
busy” or “I don’t have a choice.” The
reality is YOU DO have a choice, and it all starts with your own marketing.
You may not be able to escape all insurance payments but you can control which
ones you will accept and at what percentage of your business. The answer is to
measure all of your marketing sources based on a return on investment (ROI)
with the goal of generating enough of your own business through your own
marketing efforts and at a higher ROI. Then you can be selective as to what
insurance carriers and payments provide you with the highest ROI and eliminate
those that don’t.
Active marketing is also important because it can help keep
you from falling into the insurance markets due to customer attrition. The average business today will lose around
10–20 percent of their customers
each year for various reasons. You have to prepare for this level of
attrition by having a marketing strategy in place to not only retain as many of
your current customers as possible but to be able to replace those customers
who leave through your own marketing efforts as opposed to those of the
insurance companies. Absent any
marketing, a small business could expect to replace 100 percent of their
customer base every 5–10 years.
If the insurance companies are your only source to replace them with, you might
as well admit who you are really working for when this happens.
The most important aspect of direct marketing has to do with
the equity value of your business. The
more customers you can directly generate and grow, the more valuable your
business will be to potential buyers of your business. For example, let say
your business currently generates over 50 percent of your business from
insurance carriers. If I am putting a value on your company, not only will I
look at your valuation based on a multiple of earnings, of which 50 percent
will be lower due to insurance adjustments, but I will also look at the risk to
the business if those insurance carriers decided to lower rates and/or drop
coverage all together. On the opposite extreme, if you were able to produce
enough business through your own direct marketing, thereby negating the need
for insurance business, your business will create a lot more potential equity
value for most buyers.
Other forms of third-party payment can come from government
agencies and authorities. Much like insurance companies, they will “price” the
market for your services; often at a steep discount to your regular rates. In
most cases, they will not fairly compensate you for your services relative to
other alternatives, thereby treating you
and your services as a commodity. And the only way you can be successful selling
commodities is through cost control and scale. So ask yourself: Is that why
you decided to become a business professional? Most would say “no,” but by falling prey
to third-party payment cycles, a commodity is exactly what you can become. The
answer is direct marketing. By having an effective marketing plan, you can help
avoid this trap and become a true marketing leader in your business.
To learn more, order your copy of THE TOP 20% on Amazon.com today and start increasing the value of your business!
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