Thursday, February 11, 2016

Grant Cardone interviews Dustin Ruge about THE TOP 20%

Grant Cardone interviews Dustin Ruge about the recent lease of his newest book THE TOP 20% - Available today on

#grantcardone#grantcardonetv #dustinruge #thetop20% #sales #marketing #salesbooks #marketingbooks

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Dustin Ruge Keynote on Digital Marketing 2016 at the National Trial Lawyers Summit

Dustin Ruge National Trial Lawyers Summit Dustin Ruge will be speaking at the National Trial Lawyers Summit on Tuesday, February 9th on the topic of trends in digital marketing in 2016.

Location: Loews Miami Beach Hotel

Attendees: Members of the National Trail Lawyers

#NTL  #nationaltriallawyers #lawyermarketing #ntlsummit